The MTAG Program is suspended as of 5/13/22.
Funding has been dedicated for municipal zoning support through Governor Sununu's historic InvestNH Housing Fund. Plan NH is administering the Housing Opportunity Planning Grants and Community Housing Navigator Grants in partnership with UNH Extension and New Hampshire Housing. More information can be found at
Municipal Technical Assistance Grant Program
Does your community need more choices in places to live – but zoning is preventing them? The Municipal Technical Assistance Grant (MTAG) Program may be assistance you need. We now accept applications on a rolling basis. If your community does not have the resources to complete and submit a full application, please give us a call. We want to work with you.
Illustrations Courtesy of Barnstead, NH Charrette

Who's MTAG for?
NOTICE: The MTAG Program is suspended as of 5/13/22. Funding dedicated to municipal zoning grants will become available later this summer through Governor Sununu’s historic InvestNH Housing Fund. More details to come.
The New Hampshire Municipal Technical Assistance Grant (MTAG) Program offers grants to incorporated cities and towns in the Granite State to support expanding the supply and type of available housing in their communities through the modification of ordinances and regulations.
The MTAG program is administered by Plan NH and funded entirely by New Hampshire Housing. Grants range from $5,000 to $25,000, the reporting process for recipients is simple and streamlined, and as of 2022, a match is no longer required to apply.
Grant funds are for hiring consultants to:
• work with the community to identify local housing needs
• review current land use regulations
• re-write or create new zoning regulations
A key part of the program is community outreach and participation in the process. As part of the grant award, Plan NH partners with UNH Cooperative Extension to work with each awarded community to design an customized outreach and engagement program.
Boscawen, Candia, Claremont, Dover, Exeter, Farmington, Franconia, Hinsdale, Hopkinton, Jackson, Peterborough and Rochester.

MTAG may be the assistance your community needs
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about the program and application. Email a brief description of the project along with any questions you might have to Or, feel free to call us at 603-452-7526.
No. MTAG funds are specifically for technical assistance in reviewing, re-writing or creating zoning regulations or ordinances related to housing. You may want to do this in support of/to meet the goals of your existing/current housing chapter.
No. Grant funds may only be used to pay for approved expenses incurred after the MTAG award date. Grant funds cannot be used to offset expenses incurred prior to the grant award.
Yes, as long as the grant will be administered by a single municipality. Note that no matter the number of municipalities within one application, the funding limits ($5,000 – $25,000) are per application.
Contact the MTAG Administrator at Plan NH as soon as possible.
No. We will work with you and your consultant to figure out a timeline that makes sense for your project and your community. We recognize on occasion an extension may be needed for a project. Communicate any shift in project timeframe through your monthly reports.