Communities and Consequences Book Group Discussion, hosted by NH Preservation Alliance

Join Lorraine Merrill, one of the co-authors of this practical and inspiring book, for an informal conversation about what makes communities thrive. We’ll discuss how preservation activity is intertwined with both myths and solutions and offer easy-to-do as well as big vision ideas.

Merrill is a writer and farmer. She’s the former commissioner of agriculture, markets and food and a Preservation Alliance board member.

Demographer Peter Francese and Merrill’s Communities & Consequences II describe how local communities have grown increasingly inhospitable to young people, families and essential workers. Their book explores the tensions between traditional New Hampshire values like family, community, equal opportunity–and local control and taxation. The book tackles the myths around the impacts of new housing stock, such as on the cost of education. “It’s a stubborn myth,” Francese says, “and it’s doing great harm to communities across the state.”

The book features models of success around the state and ways ordinary citizens can help nudge things forward to restore the balance of our communities. Historic preservation is making a difference in providing more diverse housing options for all ages, as well as distinctive and desirable character that can attract young and old to our towns and cities.

Get the book at your local library, bookstore or from the NH Preservation Alliance.

And you’re welcome to join even if you don’t read the book!

Register for this free event here. Co-sponsored by NH Preservation Alliance and Plan NH.


Mar 10 2022


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


NH Preservation Alliance