Plan New Hampshire,
The Foundation for Shaping The Built Environment
Plan NH is grateful for the special support of
Upcoming Events
New Year Networking with Plan NH
Join us Tuesday, January 28 in Concord, NH from 5:00 – 7:00 PM at the offices of Engelberth Construction in Concord, NH. Enjoy light refreshments and catch up with Plan
Support Plan NH on GivingTuesday
What are you doing on Tuesday, December 3? That day is GivingTuesday—a global day of giving where people all over the world come together to support their favorite nonprofits. This

plan nh's work & impact throughout new Hampshire
90+organizations and firms support the Plan NH mission and vision through membership
12 communities have expanded options for places to live through the MTAG Program
Another 69 have received grants through the InvestNH Program to
expand housing opportunities in their community
68 communities have completed a total of 80 Community Design Charrettes
Over $97,000in scholarships awarded in the past 4 years alone