Pop-Ups and Other Fun Planning Experiments (POSTPONED)

Pop-ups workshop, Massabesic Audubon Center, Auburn note new venue Pop-ups are a fun planning tool to try out bike lanes, parklets and more. Learn about the different kinds of pop-ups (including pop-up shops in empty storefronts) – and how to plan and implement them. 3 AICP credits approved.

Key learning Points-

  • An understanding of what pop-up projects are (and different types) and what the different goals or challenges they can address (experimentation, activation, engagement, etc.)
  • Examples of simple, fun and replicable pop-up projects that attendees can use or adapt (in a variety of sectors, from community building to economic development to site design)
  • How to design and implement successful pop-up projects and what materials could be used
  • That the process can lead to a sense of community, unlikely partnerships, a sense of place, and more.

Hourly Schedule

March 26th

Doors Open
Welcoming Remarks
9:30 - 10:30
Pop-Up Planning
Rebecca Sanborn Stone, Principal - Community Workshop (VT)<br/><br/> Rebecca will introduce attendees to what pop-ups are and what goals and challenges they can address. She will show simple but impactful examples from all over New England that attendess can use or adapt, and will talk about how to design successful projects.
10:45 - 11:30
"Hawk Talks"
Shanna Saunders (Somersworth)<br> Liz Robidoux (Derry)<br/><br/> Shanna Saunders of Somersworth and Liz Robidoux of Derry will each give a 20-minute presentation in which each will share her experiences with pop-up planning exercises and what they learned.
11:30 - 12:30
Complete Streets Pop-up Planning Demonstration
Cam Prolman & James Vayo <br/>Southern NH Regional Planning Commission <br/><br/> Cam Prolman and James Vayo of the Southern New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission will provide hands-on experiments with real materials to learn how to choose a project, methods and materials needed and implement a team project.


Mar 26 2020


8:45 am - 12:30 pm


$55 - $65

More Info



Massabesic Audubon Center
26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH