9/30 Allenstown Charrette

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Sept 30th-Oct 1st Plan NH heads to Allenstown!plannh_logo_Final Higher Res. small

Do you Live, Work or Play in Allenston?

YOU are encouraged to participate in the Charrette process.

Allenstown is planning to redevelop their downtown. During, this process Allentown (and Plan NH) needs public input from, those who live, work and/or play in Allenstown.   Interested in participating in please contact Town Administrator Shaun Mulholland phone 603-485-4276 x 112, email smulholland@allenstownnh.gov.

For more information refer to the Town Administrator webpage and THIS FLYER!

Charrette Schedule:

Where: Allenstown Community Center, 8 Whitten Street

When: Listening Sessions (Plan NH listens):

Session 1: Friday, Sept 30th 3:30-5pm  Session 2: 6:30-8pm*

Plan NH Charrette Team Presentation: Saturday, Oct 1st, 3pm

*Following Community Supper from 5:15-6:15pm

For updates about the Charrette this weekend, please follow Plan NH on Facebook and Twitter!


What is a Plan NH Community Design Charrette?

  • A 2-day workshop that  brings together a team of Plan NH volunteers with town/city community leaders, citizens, business owners and others.
  • A brainstorming exercise to develop design recommendations for a town center, neighborhood or place a town/city would like to change.
  • An opportunity for a community to explore its assets, challenges and values with the Plan NH team.

    Community participation is key to a strong future.
    Community participation is key to a strong future.

How can a Plan NH COMMUNITY DESIGN CHARRETTE help your community? Bring people together!

  •  A Charrette provides a conversation space for citizens, community officials and others to come together and discuss a place in your town.
  • The  Plan NH team will collect a cross-section of viewpoints, based on what they heard during the Charrette, and develop recommendations as to how your town might address particular challenges.
  • NOTE: Plan NH will NOT look at specific buildings in and of themselves. However, Plan NH would look at a building and develop recommendations as part of a larger study– of the the neighborhood or town center, for example.

Want to learn more? OR Have a Commmunity Design Charrette in YOUR town or city? Contact us!

Call: (603) 452-7526 OR Email: info@plannh.org