Tune into this webinar:
Introduction of the Rapid Policy Assessment Tool (RPAT)
Date: Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Time: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM (ET)
Registration is NOT required for this webinar.
The RPAT is open-source software that enables users to quickly compare travel demand impacts of various land use, investment, and policy scenarios. This webinar includes a brief tutorial covering the basics of RPAT, strategy evaluation, and output performance metrics. Two case studies from Oregon and Pennsylvania will demonstrate the uses of RPAT, lessons learned from its implementation, and best practices for effective presentation of outputs from RPAT to non-technical personnel.
Please use the following call-in/log-in information:
- Conference Call in Number: 1-888-273-3658 FREE and Access Code 7425477
- Webinar Room Link: https://connectdot.connectsolutions.com/rpat
Presenters for this webinar include:
- Eric Pihl, FHWA Resource Center Planning
- Benjamin Gruswitz, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (Greater Philadelphia MPO)
- Tara Weidner, Oregon Department of Transportation
If you have questions BEFORE the webinar contact: FHWA’s Eric Pihl at eric.pihl@dot.gov or .
During the webinar there will be a Q&A session.