Goodbye 2024. Hello 2025!

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Another year in the books for Plan NH! Our membership, event attendance, and sponsorship support continued to grow this year, and for that I am very grateful.

The beginning of the year was bustling with activity, from networking at Warrenstreet Architects, to our virtual Town Hall, to a charrette program info session, to a standing-room only workshop on electric vehicles. During the summer, we celebrated recipients of the Plan NH Merit Awards and Scholarship program, organized a walking tour in Downtown Manchester as well as Littleton, NH, and hosted a networking event at The Dubay Group in Londonderry. As fall arrived, is was time for our golf tournament as well as our fall conference. At the conference we explored how planners, architects, and others are using arts and culture to create more meaningful, vibrant, and sustainable places in New Hampshire and beyond. We also added a fall networking event which was hosted at TFMoran in Bedford.

Thanks to our amazing community of volunteers, we also completed Community Design Charrettes in Sunapee and Newmarket this year, celebrating our 80th charrette since 1996! As always, these charrettes were busy but energizing weekends of participatory visioning and planning. Throughout the year we also continued to strengthen our partnership with NH Housing on the InvestNH Municipal Planning & Zoning Grant Program and presented about this and other Plan NH programs at UNH’s Housing Academy and the NHMA Annual Conference held in Manchester, NH.

After another year of wonderful contributions to Plan NH, we bid farewell to Derek Lick and Nik Coates from the Plan NH Board of Directors as well as Alissa Del Tufo, Plan NH Program Manager. We welcomed new Board Members, Meredith Farrell Goldstein and Sam Durfee in October, and posted a job opportunity for a part time program coordinator.

A heartfelt thank you goes out to our members, sponsors, and volunteers for making 2024 a fantastic year for Plan NH. Your continued support energizes us and reinforces our vision of vibrant communities across New Hampshire. Stay tuned for details about our Annual Town Hall, where we’ll share exciting plans for 2024. If you’re not yet a member, we encourage you to join the Plan NH community.

Goodbye 2024. Hello 2025!

Tiffany Tononi McNamara
Plan NH Executive Director


Tiffany Tononi McNamara, Plan NH Executive Director