What? Complete Streets Policy Training Session
Where? Samuel E. Paul Community Center, 61 South St., Troy NH
When? Friday June 24th, 8am-3:30pm
More info/registration: http://www.swrpc.org/CompleteStreets
This free workshop will engage community leaders and public officials in a discussion about how to craft an effective Complete Streets policy that meets the unique needs of each community. Participants will:
- Examine current policies and practices related to Complete Streets;
- Consider policy types and the 10 recommended elements of effective Complete Streets policies;
- Identify Complete Streets goals and performance measures for your community; and
- Begin drafting a Complete Streets policy that meets your community’s needs.
The workshop will focus on the development of municipal complete streets policy led by two highly qualified instructors:
- Emiko Atherton is Director of the National Complete Streets Coalition based in Washington D.C. and conducts complete streets policy development workshops throughout the country for a full range of communities from urban to suburban to rural.
- Rick Chellman is Principal Engineer with TND Engineering based in Portsmouth NH and brings experience through many years as a private consultant, participating in 200+ planning charrettes, and as the Chair of the Selectboard and member of the Planning Board in the Town of Tuftonboro, NH.
An addition:
There will be a panel featuring NH municipal planners representing four of the five communities in New Hampshire that have passed municipal Complete Streets policies. Those panelists include:
- Christopher Parker, Assistant City Manager, City of Dover
- Tara Kessler, Planner, City of Keene
- Juliet Walker, Transportation Planner, City of Portsmouth
- Sara Carbonneau, Director of Planning and Community Development, Town of Swanzey
This event is sponsored by the Southwest Region Planning Commission. The cost of the workshop is covered through a grant from Cheshire Medical Center via the Center for Disease Control and includes a light breakfast and lunch.