What does the new Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) bill mean – or not? Why do we have it? What technical and community challenges might be faced in implementing it? Please join us for the first of a quarterly series we’re calling “Home, Sweet Home.” In this first two-hour workshop will raise awareness of the importance of ADU’s, the new bill, and what communities might consider in preparing for ADU’s. Intended for anyone interested in the topic.
What: Home Sweet Home, Part One: Accessory Dwelling Units
When: Thursday, March 17, 2016 8:00-10:30am
Doors open at 8:00 AM for registration and breakfast, program starts promptly at 8:30 and ends at 10:30.
Where: The NH Audubon Center 84 Silk Farm Road, Concord, NH 03301.
Cost: $30 Plan NH member/ $40 non-member
At this workshop Ben Frost, from New Hampshire Housing, will discuss the changing housing needs of our population statewide and he will present an overview of the bill (SB 146) and what it means (and does not) for communities. SB 146 would allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on a single-family home as a matter of right, through a conditional use permit or by special exception
Also, Jonathan Edwards, a planning consultant for more than forty years, and Arthur Rugg, Chair of the Londonderry, NH Planning Board, will talk about their recently-completed undertaking of creating and/or re-writing their zoning laws in order to offer a broader range of housing options, including ADU’s. They will talk about the technical challenges as well as community challenges they faced, and how they addressed them.
Attendees will come away with:
- A clear understanding of the need this bill is meant to address and the intent of its language
- An understanding of what the bill means for communities and what community benefits can result
- An understanding of what the bill does NOT mean
- An understanding of technical and community challenges communities may face with this bill and ADU’s in general
AIA and APA credits pending
For more details and/or to register go HERE.
We look forward to seeing you there!