On June 22nd,2016 at the Deerfield Country Club in Manchester Plan NH recognized and awarded its 2016 Merit Award and Scholarship and Fellowship Students. Plan NH also recognized the 2016 “Villager of the Year,” a prestigious award meant to recognize one individual who has made a difference in New Hampshire communities.

2016 Villager of the Year award was given to Jeff Taylor for his lifelong contributions to New Hampshire towns and neighborhoods – and the State as a whole – during his long career. As a planner and preservationist Jeff committed himself to many organizations, and approached each project with enthusiasm and tremendous generosity. His exuberant smile and energy is missed.

Jeff Taylor’s wife Dijt, along with daughters Emily and Bethany accepted the Villager of the Year award on Jeff’s behalf during the June awards evening.
Thanks to Jeff’s many friends and colleagues, his impact continues through a memorial fund. Donations to Jeff’s memory may be made to the Jeff Taylor, Bean Pots to Bell Towers Fund through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Learn more about Jeff and his memorial fund through http://jhtstories.tumblr.com/.