Joe Shoemaker
Board Member Since 2020
Where do you live:
Concord, NH
Shaheen & Gordon, P.A.
Director of Operations
Role as a Board Member:
Golf Committee
Finance Committee
Governance Committee
Why You Wanted to be on the Board:
I grew up in the Lakes Region, stayed in the White Mountains for college and have lived in the Merrimack Valley for over 20 years. I love our State and being involved with preserving the NH way of life and enhancing community design and the built environment is important to me.
Any Additional Information About Yourself You’d Like to Share:
I’m a passionate New England sports fan. I‘ve enjoyed coaching all three of my kids as they have grown up playing hockey, baseball, lacrosse and golf. When I’m not coaching youth sports I can almost always be found at a local high school or youth sports game, and following UNH and Providence College teams.