In September, the Plan NH team bid farewell to Alissa Del Tufo.
For nearly two years, Alissa served as Plan NH’s Program Manager, managing our role with the InvestNH Municipal Zoning & Planning Grants Program. She worked with over 60 different communities and aided in the administration of over $4 million in grant funds aimed at increasing housing opportunities across the state. Upon hearing about her departure, one of the many grantees she worked with wrote, “I’m saddened at hearing of your departure. I came to rely heavily on your guidance and support. The very best to you and your future endeavor, I truly enjoyed working with you Alissa.” This is a testament to Alissa’s ability to support community volunteers and staff through the administrative side of a grant program, something that can at times be quite complicated and tedious. While working at Plan NH, Alissa also supported our membership and events with a professionalism and dedication to our mission that will be missed. We are confident these skills will continue to serve her in her future endeavors. Thank you Alissa!